Iceman - Ice To Meet You All

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
querida matei os dinossauro 0 0 0 2.0
Iceman - Iced Out 0 0 0 1.0
Iceman - Ice To ready You All 1 1 0 1.0
Iceman - Ice To Meet You All 1 1 0 1.0
Iceman - TTS test 0 0 0 1.0
Iceman - Ice To Meet You All 0 0 0 1.0
Iceman - Ice To Meet You All 0 0 0 2.0
Iceman - Ice To Meet You All 0 0 0 3.0
Iceman Protection 0 0 0 1.0
Homem de Gelo 0 0 0 1.0
Homem de Gelo 0 0 0 2.0

NelsonAllOver · 5836

Just played a variation of this deck against Expert Magneto!

Replay of the stream is here (timestamped to game start):

This is a control deck - Lets Trigger Freeze as many times as we can.

He wants to get his Cryokinetic Perception out as soon as possible to get some card draw, use Superpower Training to find it, or mulligan hard. Once this is out we have a potential ready every round once with "Freeze" if we can hit an Ice Card.

But that's not all...

The other key piece to this deck is Utopia and Uncanny X-Men, since Iceman gets to ready when an Xmen ally enters play he can trigger his Freeze ability yet again

This allows us to hit that freeze ability 2-3 times every round giving the villain -3/-3 to their stats.

The main ally we want to play is Mirage - since she can sun a villain with a Sch value less than her thw we can hit this super constantly since Frostbite lowers the sch value of the attached enemy.

When the villain is stunned they do not activate and therefore our Frostbites are preserved allowing us to flip safely and shuffle in our Ice cards since we have so many Frostbites out!

Use Make the Call and Pixie to keep the villain stunned, flip every other turn and trigger all our awesome mutant supports

Then Profit!


May 17, 2024 journeyman2 · 26937

Mirage looping with him is super fun!

May 18, 2024 Man-is-Obsolete · 6298

Yes yes! Mirage is great with him. All the fun allies for him are in Leadership, another one being Domino!

May 18, 2024 Dont_be_rash · 62

Was just about to start theorycrafting a similar deck but you designed it beautifully. Can't wait to try it out.

May 19, 2024 Weenkster · 31

Given any thought to cutting some allies for Rapid Response or Regroups? I personally am a fan of ally swarm but seems maybe the rapid response and regroup way could really ensure staying power for Mirage and still get the Utopia trigger?

May 19, 2024 NelsonAllOver · 5836

Thanks for the comments!!

@Weenkster I could see running a regroup or two in a multiplayer game, I like the idea of a rapid response in there, if I was to cut something out to make room for that it would probably be Shadowcat and Triage - especially if there are not a ton of icons you need to cancel - Triage is a nice cheap ally that can be beneficial for the healing, but this deck can deal with the damage in other ways as well!


May 20, 2024 wehehe · 222

I've built this deck because I get in love when i saw it. It's tons of fun. By far my favourite Iceman build. There are just two things that I'm not totally convinced of.

I'm not a big fan of Hope Summers, at least with Iceman. With her cost 4... are you usually able to play the superpower she just got? I'm wondering if maybe Beast would be better here. He also has the printed X-men Trait, so you can play it with Team-Building Exercise and get his cost lowered by Uncanny X-Men.

Also I'm wondering if The Triskelion is really needed. In my games I didn't need it a single time. Utopia already gives you one ally slot, and rarely I have 4 of them in play. I'm thinking if Strength In Numbers would work there. (Cutting the triskelion and just adding one or two copies and play with 41-42 cards, as they are giving you card-draw anyways).

I'll have to try if those changes fit more to my playstyle, but, anyway, congrats on this build, it feels so solid to play, and, in my opinion, is by far more fun to play than the more "standard" protection builds that most people are posting.

Jan 02, 2025 Sephigon · 1

One of the most fun builds I ever played. Can't wait to test it against more villains. For me, adding 2x The Power In All Of Us works very well, since it helps me play the basic supports and upgrades faster, but yeah, awesome job.