Thor - Godslayer!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

RogueSquadron · 197

Beat a few villains on expert while testing this deck, including Klaw, Ebony Maw, and Hela.

The card draw on this, as well as the hand size is insane. Thwarting is based on how much damage you take, as well as Psylocke and Professor X.

Angela and Defender of the Nine triggers card draw as well as "Bring It!"

Symbiote Suit and Asgard gets Thor's hand size up to 6 on Hero side and 7 on Alter-Ego side. That plus the card draw you can see yourself draw 2 on villain phase and 2 on hero phase for minions engaging, and another few on "Bring It!" based on how many minions are in front of you. With everything out you are getting well over 10 cards.

More than enough resources to spam Hammer Throw, Lightning Strike, and Pitchback. Pitchback is sick with Thor. Minions melt away with Pitchback and Lie in Wait. If there aren't minions, Pitchback can do more damage than Hammer Throw for 1 cost and exhausting your hero. Lots of ability to Ready with Limitless Stamina and Lady Sif to swing again.

I couldn't spend all the counters on Hall of Heroes.

Hit Points 14 + 10 Symbiote Suit + 5 Thor's Helmet. 29 HP. Healing from Godlike Stamina and status removal.

This deck is stupid fun to play when you get Asgard and the Symbiote Suit out. Your draw is insane.