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Card draw simulator

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royalaaron · 7

Phoenix is a great sidekick candidate because she likes flipping to alter ego to use white hot room and doesn't hate using basic recovery to keep her resource generator going.

You need to be in alter ego to suit up and use basic recovery to heal your sidekick.

The goal is to get Cyclops to 4/4 atk/thw then ready him and Phoenix until you win.

You can play phoenix three ways with this build: full thwart, rush unleash, or a little of both!

An agressive mulligan can often get Cyclops out turn 1 or 2 since there are three cards to search for him. Then if you pass on his enter play ability and block with him, you'll be unleashed real quick.

No matter how you're playing, I recommend prioritizing Utopia to get those Phoenix readies. Next priority should be side-kicking Cyclops so you can keep him healthy.


Having the psionic and x-men traits, Phoenix has access to Utopia and psychic kicker, two excellent ready sources. She also has self readying in her kit via phoenix firebird. She also has a team up card with Cyclops that readies them both. Then you have side-by-side, game time, and Professor X for an incredible fourteen cards that ready Phoenix and/or Cyclops! When Phoenix thwarts or attacks for 3 and Cyclops is Voltron'd up to doing either for 4, you're looking at pretty good numbers when you ready them both.

Apologies for the poor formatting. This deck has not been optimized and you can tweak it for cool things like more allies, uncanny X-Men, additional targets for Forge, more alter ego cards, etc. But this is a good start focusing on those readies.

I don't think you're ready, for this jelly.