Bishop, Thematic Aggression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Bishop, Thematic Aggression v2 2 2 0 1.0

Descrygaming · 281


Bishop is a fun thematic hero, with aggression I wanted to play into his mechanic of tanking damage and having big damage turns in aggression. Not being a 40-card deck is fine, since we are milling ourselves aggressively.

Toe to toe- can be used to mill your deck for temporal cards and proc energy absorption for resources.
You'll pay for that- can be used to control threat and be played on player turn in conjunction with toe to toe. Full body charge- your big damage card with a possible overkill kicker. Increase the damage more by playing your honed technique. 11 resources are a lot, but we want to have big sniper shots and many resources to play our higher cost upgrades, supports, and events. Lockjaw- should be included in all bishop decks and can be used when we have too many resources. Jarnbjorn- change out to hand-cannon better synergy with super-charged to get overkill. Symbiote suit- I think is worth it for his playstyle in aggression and by having stepford cukoos less risky.