
Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Degensp · 97

Meant to be played with someone else. Try to pair with an X-Factor player and get them to run IPAC and Avengers Mansion.

The end goal is to have Bishop's Rifle, and Bishop's Uniform in play, and MORE than you hand size worth of Resources in hand. Get a hand full of Resources, then use Avengers Mansion, Moira MacTaggert, and One Way or Another to draw even more cards. Bishop's built in Energy Absorption will also help with this.

Forge, Build Support, and Superpower Training help get you set up. Lockjaw and White Fox are great to see put from your deck into discard. Each of the Spider-Man(Spider-Man are great for their play-from-hand abilities.

The first time or two through the deck, try to get as many of the Supports and Upgrades into play as you can. Allies should be treated as expendable to keep you going until you are set up.

Yes, the deck is meant to be 50 cards. With Bishop running through his deck, the extra 10 cards gives us the option to slow that down.