Iron Man - Punchboard Paradise monthly challenge deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Gohawks · 1

This is part of our monthly build a deck challenge for the Punchboard Paradise Marvel Champions discord channel. I'm not very accomplished at these, but this gives me an impetus to do it. I like to play solo often so Justice manages the board state a bit until Tony can ramp up to Iron Man. A lot of the Justice cards are either genius or energy resource to help with repulsor blast or things that help trigger aerial. Ingenuity is a good early card to help with this also. It takes a couple passes through to get fully built and still control things, so it's not a fast deck at all. In addition, not a lot of allies get played because they're are so many upgrades, supports. It also slow to do damage until built up as well. so I'm welcome to improvements.