Hulk - Lead from the Lab

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AncientEpithet · 704

Just to be clear - this isn’t going to be the most powerful Hulk deck you’ve ever played. However, I have found it to be fairly consistent and a lot of fun. I wanted to showcase Med Lab, and I think Hulk has several tools that make him a fitting target, not least of which being Bruce Banner’s advanced education. I wanted Bruce to get more time in the lab. And voila, this was the result. As one should expect based on the theme of the deck, the most important cards are going to be Med Lab, Banner’s Lab, and Ingenuity. Fair warning - this is kind of a fiddly deck. It needs time to set up, and you’ll need to be paying a lot of attention to how you use your allies and when. On the plus side, this deck has a huge capacity for drawing cards, so once you’ve stabilized, you should be playing key allies out from under the Med Lab every other turn, and you should be seeing your key cards regularly.

WIth this deck, you need to leverage Hulk’s huge hit points to soak damage instead of chump blocking with your allies. Banner’s Lab boosts your recovery to 6, don’t be afraid to use that recover stat to keep your health up when you flip to Alter Ego. You should be in Alter Ego every other turn - while you’re there, use Med Lab to replay Moon Girl and White Tiger. They enter play exhausted, so without a command team it’s going to take 3 turns before you can play one again. Juggle the two, using Strength in Numbers or Earth’s Mightiest Heroes to put them to use when you can’t afford to give them consequential damage.

Once the ally engine is up and running, you should be generating plenty of resources for Hulk to play his events while using allies to deal with threat as needed! Try to keep your allies out and use them as much as possible, relying on Hulks health to soak enemy attacks.

Command Team is great as it lets you use an ally the turn it enters play from Med Lab. It also shortens the time between using med lab on a given ally. If you're playing Expert, you should focus on juggling White Tiger every other turn (command team and earths mightiest heroes with Stinger, Hawkeye, or Kaluu make this possible). In Standard, Moon Girl is probably the better investment.