SCL 17.2 - Wolverine

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MistaMista · 14

G1: clean; 5 turns; 11 hero hp. G2: clean; 6 turns; 11 hero hp. G3: clean; 7 turns; 17 hero hp.

Key cards were One Way or Another to take advantage of the low threat side schemes and get lots of card draw. The other key was Directed Force to really boost Wolverine’s attack cards, which gain Piercing when using his claws, and several of which have multiple attacks. So you could add 2 to 4 extra damage for a 0 cost card.

Risky Business was always a little fiddly, flipping at inconvenient times, slowing down each game.