Deadpool - You, Me, Hard as You Can

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

TrueHiddenMist · 8

Premise: HP is a resource that most characters can't afford to spend.

As a general rule of the game players spend the majority of their time in Hero Mode and avoid Alter-Ego at all costs. Flipping to Alter allows the Villain to scheme, scheming accumulates threat, and threat loses you the game.

Enter - Wade Wilson/Deadpool. Deadpool is unique in that several of his core cards involve spending your HP to deal damage and remove threat with the popular combo being spending with Maximum Effort and then playing This Card is Fire to deal 16 damage (Symbiote Suite and Endurance not active). That amount of damage is spectacular! But in multiplayer managing the loss condition of threat is much more important than the win condition of damage. This means Yoo-Hoo is actually the priority card. For 1 cost (Assuming 9 HP), you can remove 8 threat from a scheme, have 3 cards left to play, flip down, heal (back to full with one recovery), and be ready to flip back up next turn. Assuming the average villain scheme with boost is 4, you've net removed a total of 4 threat for 2 cards (Yoo-Hoo and the resource to pay for it), and gained an extra card for your next turn (hand size increase from flipping down).

To compliment this play-style cards that force the villain to attack you for a pay-off have been included (Bait and Switch, Get behind Me, Taunt) as well as damage mitigation options (Stun/Tough: Iron Fist, Mockingbird, Perseverance, Tackle). On the turns where there are no mitigation options you take damage for a beneficial effect. On turns where there is damage mitigation there's all benefit.

Note: This play-style requires frequent flipping as well as timing/planning around Tough Status.


Mar 16, 2024 Bluenova · 1