Card draw simulator
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andyr · 10628
Cyclops decided to do something Cyclops would never decide to do...go 'Pool. And Cyke has been a bad influence because he led a few X-Men down there with him.
If villains didn't want to go up against Cyclop's tactical brilliance, they surely won't be ready when he pushes a tough X-Man, like Colossus, instead of a treachery, shouting "Get in Front of Me!"
Use Beast to pull back some Self Control. That helps pay for any ally.
In fact, if a villain is finally not confused by Dazzler, Professor X, or Psylocke, their scheme will fall on deaf ears. "Not my Responsibility" is what they'll hear as Armor takes the hit instead.
Minions will have too much Distraction to do anything. Meanwhile, they won't notice that Optic Blast heading their way. Or maybe Cyke's constant training will allow Ambush to knock out the minion.
Use Superpower Training to get his Ruby Quartz Visor out, and X-Men Instruction will let you cycle the right ally for the right time.
While Cyke's going low, I couldn't make him go the full 'Pool and lean into the icons. Maybe you can make Cyclops go even lower. :D
This is hilarious and looks like fun.