Captain America - The (Almost) Unbeatable variant

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MadaoMadao · 37

So, i've spent an awful lot of time playing this game since the starter set has arrived. And since new expansions came out, i've beeen playing a lot (mostly 2-player, but some solo and 3-player as well). This possibly is the strongest "carry" deck in the game, able to do some ridiculous tempo and value at once, especially if a friend is running aggression or justice. So far, after about 20 games in, i've lost one to Expert Green Goblin. To win most consistently, focus on getting your economy cards in on same turns you push for tempo with make the call Maria hill (if 1st player) or Nick Fury (if 2nd). Stun the villain when needed as well. Calculate your turn before you commit to anything and check if you'll be using Cap's ability this round. Honorary avenger is imo better than 1st aid as you can slap it for free and it gives you the extra round you usually need and gives avenger trait for your miracle Avengers Assemble turn. Really reccomend this if you're looking for some power.