Black Widow Drang Justice Challenge

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

miltonfrey · 7

Game 4 - Thursday 12/14/2023 - Black Widow Justice vs Drang - 7 rounds Black Widow: 1/0, Justice: 1/0, Drang: 1/0, Overall: 3/1 A nice clean win against Drang. The Badoon Ship does a lot of incidental damage that you’ve got to be careful of, but I was able to keep the threat down way low. I used the Milano to take three threat off almost every turn. That’s probably why it’s so much easier in solo. It only puts two threat on at the beginning of turn and the Milano takes off three as opposed to eight at the threat in four player. Plus, justice excels at removing the threat. Black Widow is super cool, I really like her Preparations. Also, the whole combo of using Safe House #29 to get back a Preparation, play it with Black Widow’s Gauntlets, and draw a card is insane. The engine is really good. Also, don’t be afraid to play a preparation even if you already drew a card with Natasha. Lay the Trap is a super cool card. I’m also glad it scales well into multiplayer. It feels like a card I’ll put in all of my justice decks. Super low cost and a good payoff. I also took out Nick Fury, Avengers’ Mansion, and Helicarrier. I think taking Helicarrier out is the right move if your hero has any sort of resource generation, and I have really soured on the other two. I could see keeping the mansion because an extra card is real good, but I think I’m off Nick. I didn’t miss them, that’s for sure.