Look Into My Left Eye...

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

musc9 · 20

Dracable deck is built for solo play.

first pick out whichever player side scheme you prefer catering to your playstyle. There is a alot of discussion regarding it in reddit for referencing.

I like to take out Build support and fish out Graymakin for extra resources and it gets ready when cable successfully thawrt a side scheme.

while you building your Cable and handle the board play his allies then combo with Psychic Kicker for a big turn. Eg: Hope attack for 2. Ready with Psychic Kicker and attack again for 4 this time. Total damage is 6 in a single turn.

Run out of Psychic Kicker? Get it back with leadership Training in Alter-ego by shuffling back into your deck from your discard pile. Body Slide enable you to do this as well if you want. So far I haven't encountered problems with threat.

Reinforced Suits +2 hp to an ally so you could repeat damage with Psychic Kicker.

If you play Deathlok, you could grab Reinforced Suits and attached to him. Then play with Phychic Kicker. One stone kill two birds.

In the middle of doing all this. You should already build up 2-3 player side scheme into the victory display. And able to kick in with Telekinetic Blast to finished the villain.

Thank you and have fun!