Crawling The Fourth Wall

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KingOfRohan · 5383

Spider-Woman with the 'Pool aspect — sounds fun, right? Spoiler alert: IT IS!

For this deck, I decided to go with 'Pool / Justice for a few reasons:

  1. I really enjoy the cheap Justice cards for triggering Superhuman Agility.

  2. I loved the idea of using Wolfsbane with Jessica Drew's alter-ego ability.

  3. I liked the idea of really controlling the game by pairing her Pheromones with Blindfold, Dazzler, and Under Surveillance.

A few of the fun interactions in this deck:

a. As stated, Wolfsbane with Jessica Drew's alter-ego ability is extremely satisfying. Additionally, Tic-Tac-Toe allows us to easily heal damage from Wolfsbane so we can keep drawing with her several times more. To that end, Finesse offers us exactly the resource type we need for Tic-Tac-Toe.

b. Stick-To-Itiveness is an incredibly cheap ready on those turns when we've really boosted Spider-Woman's stats with Superhuman Agility and Finesse guarantees the physical resource.

c. Some turns, if we don't yet have Wolfsbane, Jessica Drew's alter-ego ability can help us draw off of Rock, Paper, Scissors.

d. Normally, you should wait to play Live Dangerously until the endgame when you go ham with Laser Swords. However, you can also play it, boost Superhuman Agility, and discard it the same turn or next turn by playing Superpower Training or Take Out the Guards.

e. Since the 'Pool resources are aspect cards, you can easily acquire them with Jessica Drew's Apartment. So satisfying!

f. Between Healing Factor and Contaminant Immunity, you really can and should stay at full health for the best use of your 'Pool resources.

You can absolutely use Helicarrier instead of Quincarrier, but the wild resource is sometimes helpful (though having both Finesse should cover you). Superpower Training can also totally be replaced by Build Support if you feel that's preferable.

If there's no real use for Take Out the Guards, switch it for Lay the Trap. One Way or Another and Clear the Area are also flexible if you feel you need something else.

Have fun with this deck — I know I have!


Jan 10, 2024 juanjocarrasco · 9

It looks like a good deck, but shouldn't it have the same number of cards from each aspect? There are 10 Justice cards and 12 of the Pool aspect.

Mar 11, 2024 Papaporio · 60

tienen 12 de cada,hay 2 pasar desapercibidas! voy a probarlo a ver que tal

Mar 20, 2024 juanjocarrasco · 9

@Papaporio ¡Es verdad! Gracias.