Selfishpool (Deadpool on a budget)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MQ2 · 46

If escalating chaos and watching the boardstate burn are for you, then this is your Hero! Bonus points if you're cheap; this was built specifically with as few packs in mind as possible. With the exception of Symbiote Suit*, all this is only the Core set and the Deadpool Hero pack**.

Have all the fun of making things harder for your teammates while benefitting the group as little as possible. Bonus points if you kill one or two of your teammates with Da Bomb! With all the harmful icons you're piling on, you're sure to make the game more lively either way!

*If you do not have SS, it can be swapped with Avengers Mansion for similarly selfish gain

**If you only have the Deadpool pack, you can consider swapping Nick Fury and SS for War and Get-Ragey, and the double resources for Distraction x3 (which I might recommend doing anyway just for a laugh)