Spider-Woman SCL 16-3

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Jamesdarcy · 83

Magog and Hydra deck sharing - SCL

I sure got in the weeds with Madame Hydra, and frustrated trying to get Magog to 1 with a final counter via the contender, defending without taking damage, or the size scheme.

I tried protection and leadership with toughs and readies for allies, before realizing I absolutely wanted a free card halfway through the game.

Eventually, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to focus on controlling the encounter deck. Avoiding some cards, and trying to get those that provided ratings counters.

Blindfold, and Global Logistics are looking to pick, pull, and discard the following for opportune moments: Surprise Contender, Madame Hydra and Legions of Hydra, MaGog's attachments, MaGog's teacheries.

Angela is there to pull out the contender early (actually pulled it off for two rounds, but could have been forced into a useless guard)

One Way is there to pull out MaGog's side scheme.

There were a few odd aggression cards thrown in to make the numbers work, with a focus and physical resources, but it would have been fun for an enraged Hulk to appear (he never did)

I included Armor Plate and Brainstorm from GMW.