Rogue for Asgard!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ledzhedz · 24

did not see this one out there and had an urge to destroy something beautuful... Rogues joined forces with the asgardians in order to save Asgard. Nick and Prof. X are there as backup as always.

as she will need the asgard trait frok her compatriots i assumed shed have flight more often than not. dive bomb and bombs away felt like easy adds and the focus for this deck is to build board and be aggressive be be agressive.

first turns can be massive damage with the aformentioned aerial assualt cards. god like stamina is probably the most situational in the deck and will more often than not be used for fist resource. nice thing about the bridge is you only need asgardian to play it and the rest of the game you can go grab heimdal or thor or thor depending on the turns need.

team training is prettt slick in this as well letting you dicount the ariel cards as well as other allies and support.

might still need a little tweaking as 45 is a little big for a deck to see what you want so first drops would be endurance and jarnborn if needed.