Cyclops = All New All Different X-Men Assemble! [Leadership]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

RTimMorris · 153

Based on the classic Giant-Size X-Men #1, this deck has Cyclops and Professor building the new team of X-Men: Wolverine, Storm, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Banshee, and Sunfire. (Yes, there was also Thunderbird and I know I could include the Warpath Ally, but that didn't feel as authentic. Also, Phoenix wasn't a member of the new team but is part of the Cyclops kit. What are you gonna do?)

This deck focuses on Cyclops being a bit more of a front-line leader, without many cards that need him to flip back and forth between Hero & Alter-Ego. Of course, his AE Ability is strong enough that you'll likely still want to make some use of it.

The main idea is to keep putting out your X-Men squad, keeping some of them (Banshee, Wolverine, Storm) alive with a Reinforced Suit and recycle some others (Prof X, Sunfire, Colossus) with Make the Call