Aggressive Tech Iron Man

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Archaedan · 13

This is an attempt at a fun, high damage Iron Man aggression deck. The dream is to have Arc Reactor, Combat Training and 1-2 Hand Cannons out for big 6-8 damage regular attacks and with exactly 50% of the deck having printed energy resources, its also got access to fairly consistent average 5 or 7 damage Repulsor Blasts.

Tac Team and Lie in Wait are in here both for their printed energy resources and to help with getting rid of annoying minions fast. Also included a decent amount of allies to help with thwarting, chump blocking and more damage!

This is a fun, albeit inferior replacement to Repurpose Iron Man for when you're bored of that play style. Any feedback to make this more efficient and work better is appreciated!