Domino - Chain Reaction

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Charles · 566


remove X-Jet ( can’t be played ) - add Qui carrier or Helicarrier

Hey ! This is my first Domino deck !

Why Chain Reaction ? Well, this character is so much designed for combos ! Let’s make a list with some of ´em !

  • Atlas Bear : Posse ( The Posse combo ), and only used to know one or two cards from the deck ( with Domino ability )

  • Beast : tutor for Jackpot !

  • Deadpool ? Well, just for fun … but can stay in game with Luck be a Lady

  • Build Support : For the Quincarrier or Helicarrier ! With Deft Focus, a very great economy !

  • Superpower training : you wan’t Lucky Break as soon as possible ( Pip, Moira, Painted Lady … ).

  • Weapon X : perfect with Painted Lady - White Fox

It’s a flip flap deck, and you wan’t to use your AE effects as often as possible . You can truly break the game with Jackpot / Pip / Domino’s - Neena abilities )

It’s not a begginer deck with all trigger effects, but really strong and fun !

Enjoy !


Sep 03, 2023 Erathis · 16

X-Jet isn't useful here. The problem isn't cheating it into play, the problem is, it will only give a player with the X-Men trait (which Domino doesn't have) a resource, so it's useless for her. If you want to cheat a wild resource generator into play with Build Support, Quincarrier is the one you want. That said, it's probably better not to get too cute and just to use Helicarrier. It's mostly the same and you can play it naturally too.

Sep 03, 2023 Charles · 566

Thanks for your comment, you’re absolutly right ! Damned, i should read cards until the end … But yes, Quincarrier or Hellicarier will be a perfect choice !