Default deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

mougy · 144

Default deck

This deck can be used with any hero! (excepted Adam Warlock due to its deck building restrictions)

It is all about make shine hero specific cards.
Perfect to set up a quick game, without worrying about the deckbuild
Perfect to discover a hero, or or compare heroes efficiency
Perfect fot beginners

It is intended to have no conflict with unique cards (no allies that match playable hero)

No combo here, no specific strategy, just solutions to compensate for hero most common weaknesses:

  • some resources
  • some more health and regen
  • Assess the Situation to thin the deck and focus on hero specific cards
  • a Pistol to make ping damages
  • Target acquired is really helpful against some villains
  • Symbiote suit for the fun (or the wild resource)