Spider-Man - Berserker Parker of Your Nightmares

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Martymaus · 184

"I know what it feels like. It feels good. The power. Everything."


Bully Mcguire is back with a new bag of tricks. He doesn't just swinging kick, he karate kicks, he knock out punches. He kicks butts and takes names. This guy could be the new Cobra Kai sensei if he didn't have his Sheldon-level obnoxious smarts. No kid thinks he's cool. With 52.5% of card-printed resources are as mental resources, and 45% of all cards being aggression cards, this carefully groomed deck leverages PP's genius trait, unlocking a powerful aggro deck.

Let's see what's inside our bag of tricks!

  1. Resource generation. Beyond PP's natural mental resource generation, and our Web Shooters:

    a. Ingenuity. Play it as PP for cheap resource mental resource generation thereafter.

    b. Fist generation. Martial Prowess will make our many attack events cheaper, and generate our necessary fist for No Quarter. We've also got a Quincarrier acting as a back-up (play when you're SM with the Avengers trait), and the Web-Shooter's have you covered too when needed.

  2. Card generation. Beyond SM's natural card draw when attacked by villain:

    a. Black Cat. High chance of getting at least 1 card when she is played with the 52.5% mental resources.

    b. Moon Girl. Play in his alter-ego (genius trait requirement for MG as he's not a champion) and with his free mental resource and 2 other mental resources (use Ingenuity, Quincarrier, or other plentiful mental resources in your hand to fulfill) to draw 3 cards after playing MG. Her 2x thwarts at 2 each will come in handy in many scenarios.

    c. Ironheart. Enough said. Draw, attack/thwart and chump block.

    d. No Quarter. With 45% cards aggro cards with lots of events, you'll find you'll be drawing a couple cards when this is played on a weak minion and Honed Technique is in play.

    e. Hall of Heroes. With the many minions you can bust up, you'll want some extra card draw from HoH when you go into alter-ego. Really amazing when you also go to play MG and exhaust HoH at the same time.

  3. Damage output. Yes, we have our fantastic Swinging Web Kick, but there's only 3 in the deck, so we've peppered the deck with many attack events:

    a. Honed Technique. Playing the 2 mental resource requirement is a breeze with this deck, as is triggering HT's mental requirement when playing aggression events (thank you, Ingenuity and mental resource prevalence).

    b. Melee. New 1.5 rules make it so you can still deal 6 damage even without another minion out (3 damage + 3 printed damage from HT), but mow through minions when they are out. Great against elites.

    c. No Quarter. Now 6 damage. Draw even more aggro cards when doing excess damage on minions.

    d. One by One: Now 3 damage, and if you kill a minion, 3 damage again. This will handle most chump minions, but otherwise deal a respectable amount of damage against just the villain.
    NOTE: There are other options on this one. I like Precision Strike instead in lower minion count scenarios for health regain and that it's 3 more mental resources. Press the Advantage isn't as satisfying with SM, because Webbed Updoesn't trigger it, only after it's discarded and stun is applied. Not consistent enough of a bonus for me in this deck. Toe to Toe is okay (also mental printed resource) if you've got a backflip, or used WU, so you get 6 damage to villain that way.

    e. Boot Camp for extra ally ATK damage. Nice for BC who doesn't take consequential damage when attacking.

  4. Thwarting. Tougher for this deck. While you've got your Spider-Tracer's you can attach to minions, it does require them to be in play. So we've supplemented with:

    a. Looking for Trouble. Pull a minion to reduce threat. Can also help you attach your Spider-Tracer.

    b. Angela. Similar to LfT to pull minion for Spider-Tracer attach.

    c. Other allies: Moon Girl has decent 2 thwart. Wolverine can perpetually thwart once every turn and always heal the consequential back. Psylocke, while more expensive, can give you 2 confuses, good for reducing threat generation when swapping to AE. She can also thwart for 2.
    NOTE: I'm open to swapping Psylocke for Professor X - he'll get you 3 thwart, and confuse villain, while still providing a mental resource for 3 cost, but he goes out of play immediately. Psylocke can be picked up through excess damage on NQ, while Professor X cannot. If you want some more, you could swap Boot Camp for Professor X as an extra, or Nick Fury.

  5. Defense/Recovery. Aunt May already helps you recover fast, and SM's Enhanced Spider-Sense and Backflip provided defenses, alongside your impressive stock 3 defense. Then you've got Webbed Up. There's not much more needed here, but you can chump with allies as needed.

    Setup. So how do we play with this bag of goodies well? Let's mulligan everything except the most essential cards, or cards designed for PP AE:

    a. Ingenuity
    b. Moon Girl (If you draw MG, chances are you'll be able to play her and draw 3 cards back, so I would not mulligan her; with Peter's standard mental resource she'll completely cover herself. Use her to further pare down your hand from mental resource cards you don't want yet)
    c. Honed Technique (the sooner it's out, the sooner it pays dividends)
    d. Hall of Heroes (more valuable in minion heavy scenarios)
    e. Martial Prowess
    f. Web-shooters (they can cover themselves, spend your mental resource to get them in play, switch to Hero to cover their opportunity cost on other cards)
    NOTE: I don't love Quincarrier on the first hand. You can't cover it with Peter's AE resources, as he's only Avenger in hero form.

Take this deck for a spin, and be your villain's resident bully!