Peni Aggro Solo - Amassing Force

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

Duciris · 7

First round, I use Peni's Maintenance ability to get 2 extra cards in hand. Her 3-card hero hand size should be so limiting, but once her interfaces are out you can pay for most cards you draw each turn.

Get Host Spider (ready hero) out as quickly as you can. Speed-Metal Alloy too, as it instantly pays for itself. Then either Psychic Link (+2 THW) or Web-Fluid Compressor (+2 ATK) depending on need. All Systems Go! will tutor those into your hand. I rarely use its primary ability before I can get all 4 Interfaces into hand/play, but it happens.

If you don't have many of her Interfaces out, then toss VEN#m when you see her.

Aunt May & Uncle Ben can cycle Peni's cards into hand quickly, but you'll often discard useful cards (Avengers' Mansion, Down Time, Endurance), so use it as necessary. SP//dr Command's cost is easier to weigh.

Limitless Strength (from her pack) couples with All Systems Go's primary ability to ready & re-ready her often in the late-game. I cannot understate how important those 2 cards are. They're made more reliable by the bulk of cards in her deck being put into play resulting in her deck being thin as the game goes on.

Bug will save your life on Toughness, Tigra will handle cleanup. Boot Camp (if reasonable to play) will boost both. My experience with Hulk is that he shows up, attacks, and leaves in a fluid motion, so, I use him as a blocker until he's low HP.

As for schemes, her Host Spider + Psychic Link can knock out 4 & 2 threat per turn. That's before re-readying shenanigans. Rapid Deployment can further remove 3 & 3 threat.

Her nemesis pack are annoying early game, but rarely either M.O.R.B.I.U.S. or Giant Monster Attack stick are around for a second round once your Interfaces are out.

Her typically least used Interface (as anything other than a resource) Speed-Metal Alloy (+2 DEF) is really useful when needed. Coupled with Host Spider, she can take most attacks without taking damage and can still act the following round. Very useful against an irresistible force or if you're protecting a stubborn senator.


Symbiote Suit is an I'm-already-setup play.

Nick Fury I use for card draw & as a blocker.

Unshakable is great. When it's needed, often, however, it's a waste.

I haven't used Ejection Protocol for its intended use yet, (60+ plays), but it may become useful when X-23's Specialized Training linked card Front Line Specialist (+4HP while in hero form) releases.

Godslayer (along with Symbiote Suit, Combat Training, & Web-Fluid Compressor) is when you want to hit a unique enemy for 8.

I get Helicarrier out less than half my games. I always appreciate it when I can, though.

Get rid of:

Angela can be helpful but is largely unnecessary.

Fusillade & Hand Cannon are similarly superfluous.

Senty is an if-you-can sort of play.


She takes a few rounds before she starts running the board (3+) but she has the ability to get her most important cards (Interfaces) out quickly. After that, she just becomes more powerful.

She came out with Spider-Ham and I couldn't wrap my mind around her. My third playthrough (a solo game, piloting the precon) I ran against Risky Business and just sat in hero form until I was completely setup. Then, in a single turn I flipped Norman, killed Green Goblin (I), and then killed Green Goblin (II). I was holding/drew 1 or 2 All Systems Go! and 1 or 2 Limitless Strengths.

I have played her so many times, that I have to convince myself to play someone else at this point.