Scheme Stomping Marvel

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

925 Gamers · 191

Captain Marvel Justice! Now I already know what you're thinking! I have committed a Marvel CDB sin! I put more than 40 cards in a deck! Walk with me for a minute here.

Carol can draw a card, Captain marvel, draw a card, mansion draw a card, alpha flight station draw a card or possibly 2, and photonic blast draw a card. This deck draws cards like crazy! Especially using the Quincarrier/Rechannel ability engine. Every turn you can exhaust Quincarrier and heal 1 draw 1. This deck has crazy draw power.

I chose justice aspect because it has the most synergy with Energy resources to power up her energy channels. Also she can use beat cop more effectively than any other hero because she is the only hero with a triple energy resource card besides hulk. (But we all know we've tried to make that work and YIKES).

This deck contains over 30 Energy resources. So powering up those energy channels is easy. So a typical Bench set up for me would be 3 Beat cops and an energy channel. So I would thwart for 2-3 with CM, sponge up 3 threat with beat cops, play a For Justice to get rid of 3-4 threat, and then just chuck the rest of my hand onto energy channel to power it up for an easy 10 damage! Granted this takes time to build up, but the potential is amazing. We are talking up to 10 threat removal and 10 damage in a single turn!

She pairs very nicely with the Hulk since he beats the Villain and she beats the Scheme. Jessica Jones can come in and deal with multiple side schemes and become a threat removing goddess. Daredevil thwarts and damages at the same time. Better than Brawn can. Although Brawn lasts longer. Quake deals with minions well since you will be switching between Danvers and CM quite often. She smacks minions for 2 damage if they try to scheme on Danvers. Spiderwoman comes in and confuses on turns when you switch to danvers to make sure you don't get schemed on. Nick fury is Nick Fury!!!

If I haven't sold this deck yet, try it out (Especially with my HULK build). I am not an expert at the game so I'm always willing to hear feedback. So try her out and play a couple of games and tell me what changes you want to make. I know there are many people who don't want to have more than 40 cards in their decks, but remember that decking out gives extra encounter cards and she will deck out quicker than most heroes. So let me know what y'all think.