Elite Commander Warlock - Wolv., Yondu, Blade

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Martymaus · 203

This deck revolves around Warlock's unique multi-aspect deckbuilding to defend a group of elite soldiers he upgrades:

  • Wolverine (great with his healing)
  • Yondu (no consequential damage)
  • Blade (no consequential damage)

These are all of different teams - X-men, Guardian, Avenger, meaning different upgrade cards are in the deck to support those traits, alongside those that can be applied to all, such as Boot Camp and Inspired. Honorary Guardian helps enable Wolverine, and if the right moment presents itself, Blade, with the Guardian trait so you can give them Guardian upgrades.

Warlock's spells burn through his deck, so it's important to not rely on only 1 figure to construct his attack plan around. You can offset this through Make the Call and Quantum Magic in case you discard a needed ally or upgrade.

Early on, your goal is to get out your core cards: Sorceror Supreme, Karmic Staff, Mystic Senses, Soul World, and Warlock's Cape, for card generation and multiple defenses. Armored Vest can be useful here too. Then you're trying to get your elites out, and power them up.

Since you need some time building up, consider:

  • If you're getting overwhelmed by threat, or an elite minion, this is where Cosmic Awareness and Karmic Blast really come into play (also you, Magic Attack), until the situation is stabilized.
  • Groot is a great means of offsetting needing to take the hits. Blade can chump block if needed, while Pip and Wiccan are also useful here.
  • Defense cards like Never Back Down, Shield Spell, Tackle (for stun) and Jump Flip can also get you out of a pinch.
  • "Think Fast!" is great after you've soaked up damage and have a counter on Soul World. Confuse, flip to alter ego, and regain full health.

Once allies are out, you can focus on damage dealing events, discarding aggression resource cards for Blade, and Cosmic Awareness to clear out threat as needed. Discard protection cards to heal Wolverine as needed. I've found this a very enjoyable deck, and hope you will too. Don't forget to use Battle Mage to discard and gather aggro resources for Blade.


May 26, 2023 Martymaus · 203

Recommend you be careful with Shield Spell, Magic Attack, and Zone of Silence early on as you work to get your core cards out. Yes, you can use Quantum Magic and Make the Call, but those have costs and you shouldn't be careless. If you're in a pinch, sure, use them, but have caution.

May 26, 2023 Martymaus · 203

I debate Blade some -- useful once you have larger hand size with Sorceror Supreme and both Mystic Senses, but he's a longer term play. Warlock (protection ally) might be superior in that you can use the mental resource from anywhere, which could pair nicely with Karmic Staff. Downside to that ally is his only trait is X-factor, but Honorary Guardian is still useful here. May need to tease this one out more. Benefit of Blade is the versatility with a 1 cost ally chump block.