Cyclops Pre-X-Force

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Stretch · 406

Most of my Leadership decks are built for high stat line cards (Ironheart and Sp//dr) with few allies or the Sneak Attack strategy with high cost Avengers, but with Cyclops and the X-men the leadership theme with Band Together and Strength in Numbers truly fits for a change.

Mulligan for Field Commander and Uncanny X-Men or use Forge to get Uncanny. Utopia is also great to get out early.

The primary strategy is to build up the team and support cards to protect Cyclops, thwart, and confuse enough to control the board. A deck of 50 cards with "To me, my X-men" and 15 or more allies allows you to use their play powers over and over.

If you can get Field CC out, you can keep an upgrade on the villain. Use Phoenix for defense when you have Pixie or Make the Call in hand to get her right back and pull Full Blast from discard. Use consequential damage to put her in the Med Lab if you don't have Pixie or Make the Call in hand. As Jean rises from the ashes Scott will blast away the threats.

I dropped Psylocke and Wolvie due to cost, but they're great, and it is nice to be able to change out allies to vary your strengths (thx FF). Make the Call and Coordinated Attack seem to help more early game depending on the encounter deck, and I might include more.

Versus Project Wideawake and Magog this deck is useless if you're in a campaign, but Cyclops in Protection can recycle cards like Full Blast with Mutant Education. I would add damaging Prot events since fighting alone isn't Scott's forte.