R&D is kinda broken

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Nat20_Gaming · 59

So basically Ironheart has a solid stat line before doing nutty shit. Her attack events don't exhaust her but her base attack is low. Best use is to use her whole stat box and give it some pumps. Cloud 9 provides a lot of increases to the board, Falcon readies for another event and Patriot gives another stat boost. Moxie is free boosts incase of lacking Patriot or Cloud 9. Moon Girl is great with Ingenuity and Stroke of Genius giving you 5 draws and 2 progress counters in Magical Christmas land. R&D is the ultimate pump outside of the venom suit. And yea that's the initial build with a rework coming soon because I have more degenerate combo ideas.