Cyclop's Army

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Maarkean · 20

This variation on an Ally focused deck makes use of the extra upgrade card that can be attached to minions that Aggression has. Gatekeeper has the unfortunate side affect of giving the minion extra health and the Patrol keyword. If you can kill it right away, or the minion is engaged with a hero who wasn't going to thwart anyways, Patrol is a minor tradeoff for the cards secondary affect of removing four threat when its defeated. Normally, Outta My Way! is not a very good card, given the condition to get the full damage. But here it shores up the other weakness of Gatekeeper by doing extra damage equal to the extra health the minion gained. This combo deletes a minion and removes four threat for 4 effective cost.

The rest of this list revolves around pumping out damage. You have allies to drop in and get boosted from Boot Camp and Attack Training. Then they serve as your shields to keep Cyclops in the fight. War Room helps them round things out by gaining a little bit of thwart if they kill something.