Cyclops Unleashes the Wolverine

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Maarkean · 20

In many ways this is your standard Voltron style leadership deck. The main twist is that you're building up Wolverine who is an aggression ally. Wolverine makes for a good Voltron candidate thanks to his self-heal. With all the upgrades he can get up to 6 Attack (w/ Ranged and Pierce), 4 Thwart, and 10 Health. That ten health gives you some breathing room for using him several turns in a row before needing to take a breather and heal. With First Aid and X-Mansion you also have some good secondary healing for him or Cyclops as needed. Coordinated Attack also allows him to reduce his consequential damage to one against a priority target, which he'll naturally heal.

With Clarity of Purpose, you can ping Wovlerine for a damage in exchange for a resource. If you get both out early, you can use him as a resource generator until he's powered up. This can help you build up Cyclops upgrades as well.

The rest of your allies serve primarily as cannon fodder. Several of them have, or in Polaris' case can hand out, Tough. They absorb hits for Cyclops so he can focus on tossing out damage. Polaris can also toss that Tough on Wolverine so you can get a second use in a round if you ready him with Utopia.