Dual Wield Shield

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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squeejero22 · 2

This is a good multiplayer build, but it's an enabling one. Your damage per round ends up being decent, but the main thing that you do is let the other players stay on their heroic identity as long as they want.

Main Mid-Game Combo: Block 3 attacks, deal 6 in thorns-style damage, and take none every turn. If your villain is doing 3 damage attacks (you can block higher though,) that's 9 wounds ignored. That brings you to a total of 15 net wounds. Every. Turn.

End Game is more like net 21+ wounds.

The main goal is to use a basic defense as often as possible. Readying your hero 2-4 times a turn is very achievable. The main ways to do this is Desperate Defense, Indomitable, and Cap's "I Could Do This All Day" trait.

However, you can also intercept attacks with Shield Block (say if a ton of boost cards piled up) or Side Step without defending.

Early Game -

  • Drop your shield turn one (If you get it in hand, mulligan since you get it from Cap's card.)
  • Try to get your Super Soldier Serum and main upgrades as early as you can (Electrostatic Armor, Unflappable, and Armored Vest)
  • Burn cards if you have to; It's rare not to get ANY good def cards in your pre-villain draw, but at minimum, you can defend twice a turn with Cap's trait.

Mid-Game -

  • By Mid-game, your basic engine should be online. You're defending 3-4 times a round and hitting back harder.
  • Eventually, you want to get Flow Like Water out, but it's not critical since your job isn't to really do damage.
  • This is the point where you get more flexible.

---- Indirect Damage getting you low? Use "What Doesn't Kill Me", "Night Nurse", and "Steve's Apartment" to heal up in a turn.

---- Problems with nasty treachery cards? Save a Never Back Down or drop Black Widow. (The Quincarrier is a nice-to-have, but it's really for Black Widow to guarantee you have the correct resource.

---- Lots of Minions? Burn a Shield Toss (Though be careful as not having your shield as Cap is dangerous.)

---- Thwarting? Fearless Determination with readying yourself using "What Doesn't Kill Me"