Protection Spiderman

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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kailephelps · 4

Protection Spiderman

Updates from Ms. Marvel:

A lot of Ms. Marvel cards want you to take the Energy/Nova route. This is likely a good deck since Nova can really dish out a lot of damage (particularly with those web-shooters and enhanced reflexes). However, I decided to go with a stun-lock version of Spiderman. This means that you have to dip more into Strength, which doesn't leave enough room for the Energy cards.

I have added 3 Counter-Punches to help with the Physical resources. I really prefer having all 3 so that if you have multiple in your hand you can use them all on the same trigger.

To make room, I removed 2 First-Aids and 1 Indomitable. Indomitable loses value if there are just less opportunities to defend. First-Aids are not really great on any of the currently used allies.

I also removed Med-Teams and put in 3x Tackle. This gives 6 cards that can stun the Villain. They are all very expensive, but against the nastier, heavy-hitting villains this could be huge. This deck is all about preventing the villain from doing what they want to do between stuns and Treachery cancels.

A card I considered, but ultimately cut was Endurance. With Spiderman's low HP, a little more wiggle room would be nice. However, it is the wrong resource type and I didn't have any cards I particularly wanted to cut.

Core Set:

Armored Vest, Indomitable, Get Behind Me all make Spidey's best stat way more valuable. Vest is a free extra life each defense. Indomitable allows for a 2nd defense for different player (worst case it's an expensive counterpunch), Get Behind Me is another way to trigger another defense.

Black Widow synergizes with Peter's free Mental resource.

Definitely Spidey's best core set pairing, as it just maximizes what he is good at. Maybe not the strongest in solo, but definitely great in multiplayer.