Poker Night at S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Playing Poker with Natasha Romanoff 861 671 37 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Mortech · 4

This is just the 'Playing Poker with Natasha Romanoff' deck, but I added a bunch of S.H.I.E.L.D. cards; it is now 50 cards because I am bad at removing things. I noticed the original deck tended to rack up too much threat without strong enough threat removal, so my idea was to fix that by adding more threat removal in the form of powerful allies and Homeland Intervention.

The Field Agents are here to be exhausted for Global Logistics / Dum Dum Dugan / Homeland Intervention. As an added bonus, they can keep your heavy allies alive for a bit longer. Agent 13 can also ready them again.

Meditation seemed like a no-brainer to add, since you are always alter-ego and don't really exhaust Natasha otherwise. It also helps pay for the heavy allies and supports this deck has.

Global Logistics is mostly here to justify the 50 cards; you can use them to mill your own deck searching for setup cards (the Safe House / Black Widow's Gauntlet / Counterintelligence combo specifically). But it's also nice to be able to hit the encounter deck with them.