Christmas Hulk (Aggression)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Christmas Hulk (Aggression) 0 0 0 1.0

Alduc · 1033

Whenever a new hero pack comes in I always like to try the pre-built deck a few time before I create something new. I found it really fun to play - but not that viable in solo.

Instead of pairing Hulk with another aspect I decided to give Aggression another go. My main objective was to lower the cost curve of the deck to compensate for the small handsize. Jarnbjorn fits perfectly in here: it only costs 1 to play, and Hulk frequently has a resource left once he plays the single card he'll be able to afford that turn.

I decided to cut back threat reduction to a bare minimum. This deck wants to win quickly, and will often let side schemes do their thing while it crushes the villain.

While it might be obvious to some, there's an important lesson to learn while playing Hulk: the small handsize makes it difficult to have a consistent game plan. If a card doesn't show up at the right time, it's necessary to make do without it. This, however, can be seen as a feature and not a bug: each game with Hulk will feel more different than while playing Iron Man or Black Panther, who have a very precise endpoint in mind.