Wolverine Clears the Area

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KingOfRohan · 4916

Inspired by Wolverine's thwart event, "Track by Scent," which has a "Clear the Area" effect ("If this removes the last threat from that scheme"), I thought "What if I built a deck that benefits from keeping the main scheme at 0?"

3x Clear the Area helps keep the main scheme at 0.

3x Turn the Tide and 3x Pivotal Moment benefit from keeping the main scheme at 0. Normally, Pivotal Moment isn't worth it — yes, 5 damage, but it's villain-only and conditional. Well, we're confident on fulfilling the condition, and because of Wolverine's Claws, we can spend most of our hand clearing minions and threat, and still push damage by using Wolverine's Claws to play Pivotal Moment.

Chance Encounter is EXCELLENT for Wolverine, since it allows him to snap back high-value allies like Jubilee or Professor X, or search for Colossus to set up the Fastball Special.

Justice Served is a back-pocket ready, allowing Wolverine to stay loose and potentially thwart again for 2, attack for 2 or 3, or flip down and recover for 6.

Concussive Blow can be replaced with Stealth Strike if you're playing a steady or stalwart villain, but it sort of acts as a back-pocket confuse since Wolverine can play it for "free" with Wolverine's Claws (not getting the 3 damage, but reliably getting the confuse).

Focus on hitting a solid, conservative tempo, until you're ready to burst for the kill.


Nov 17, 2022 KingOfRohan · 4916

Thank you journeyman and elessar on Discord for help with development!