The Guardians?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Sparkeagle · 2

The main idea is to draw a bunch of cards with guardians of the galaxy, with iron man being the main piece since all upgrades are free for him. Use make the call to resummon him if he needs to die due to having most/all upgrades. After you are setup, you start using Blaze of glory to deal a lot of damage/thwart, then flip over so none of your characters are Guardians at the end of the phase.

The good thing is that star lord is a thwart ally deck, so while setting up, you can thwart pretty well if needed.

If you are playing multi-player, talk before hand if the players don't mind taking a little bit of damage for an occasional boost. If they don't mind, replace some of your ally upgrade cards for honorary guardian. This allows you to get your Guardians of the galaxy trigger off of other players allies as well as setting it up on other players so they can get even beefier and permanently thin your deck.

The deck being 50 cards may seem like a lot, but when it's fully built you go through your deck very quickly. Which is kinda a problem with star lord since he already takes extra encounter cards to make things cheaper. So 50 is better than 40 in my opinion.

PS. Never play Nova Prime, he ruins the avenger synergy.