Shadowcat Aggression (Thematic, Beginner)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KingOfRohan · 4918

This is a thematic beginner deck for Shadowcat in Aggression.


Shadowcat can be a complex hero, flipping back and forth and back and forth from Solid to Phased forms. This deck leans into that form-flipping (you will flip more often than almost any Shadowcat deck), but the process of doing so is as straightforward as we can make it, with a simple game plan — attack, attack!

Allies • Attack with Angel, Dust, Magik, and Wolverine. These are your primary targets for Attack Training. • Attack with Colossus, too, but you might want him to block first since he enters play with a Tough status. • Attack or thwart with Lockheed, then block with him. • Thwart with Professor X, confuse the villain, then block with him. Your allies can speed the game along because they will attack for a lot of damage but they can also block if necessary so that you can keep going hard.

Events • Attack first with Clobber if you have it so that it will return to your hand. • Attack with Surprise Attack when you flip from Phased to Solid, exhausting Solid to pay for it. • Shadow and Steel is a Team-Up card, so in the event that you have Colossus in play and the villain attacks you, you can play Shadow and Steel to attack and defend. Since your events are dealing so much of the damage, Shadowcat herself is free to thwart as needed, but always consider she might otherwise be able to just attack instead of thwarting and bring the villain down quicker than you think.

Supports & Upgrades • X-Jet will help your economy if you can play it early. • As stated earlier, you will most often want to play Attack Training on Angel, Dust, Magik, and Wolverine and attack, attack, attack. • Deft Focus helps you play Shadowcat Surprise, Phase Strike, and Airwalk (or even Acute Control or Intangible Interference, but you won't always want to play those). That's 9 targets! • Martial Prowess helps you play Clobber, Surprise Attack, Shadowcat Surprise, and Phase Strike. That's 11 targets! • Ready to Rumble helps you ready after you attack or defend so that you are ready to defend again in the villain phase or attack or thwart in the player phase. Remember you can only have one in play at a time, so you may want to use this as soon as you have a good opportunity. An early card or two like Deft Focus and the X-Jet / Martial Prowess can pay dividends, but later, consider whether to just play your attack events instead of playing more resource generators.


Oct 09, 2022 journeyman2 · 23932

Honored to be the first like! Any thoughts on Utopia with all those allies?

Oct 09, 2022 KingOfRohan · 4918

@journeyman2 Thank you!! Yes, originally I had it in the deck, but I removed it to keep it simpler, since it can be a harder trigger for a new player to remember. But I totally think it’s a good addition!