Ant-Man L2

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Ant-Man - Quit Bugging Me! 32 26 1 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

MrCee · 10

Adapted from “Ant-Man – Quit Bugging Me!” by Kennedhawk.

Welcome to one of the most fun decks with another new hero - surprise surprise - this deck uses Leadership! But what would you say is Ant-Man's leadership style? He's a big fan of swarm, whether it be ants or cheap Avenger's allies, Ant-Man has a solution to your villainous pest problem. So how does super-thief Scott Lang make it happen? Play this deck and find out. To start the game you'll have to use your resources wisely and by the end you'll just be making the motions as you attack for 6-7 damage twice per turn.