Hulk in Action

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

mipuro · 1


Band Together and Strength In Numbers build your resource engine. You will want to 3+ allies out as quick as possible.

Mulligan away any Hulk cards on the first turn to really go for Allies. Stay in Bruce Banner form for an extra turn if you can to try to make that second turn of getting out allies easier. Use Hulk's big hit point pool to take damage directly to protect your allies while you are getting them out. Once you have three allies out, you not only have a Draw 3" using Strength In Numbers, but you also have 5! cards now that provide 3 resources (2x Limitless Strength and 3x Band Together). 5x triple resource cards make playing Hulk's normally expensive events much easier! You will be doing Double Hulk Smash turns before you know it!

Inspiration for this deck came in part from decks by:
