Vision Solo Champions League vs. Nebula Rush Deck - Take 2

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

yodaman1971 · 68

This was take 2 of the Vision Aggression deck I used against the sadistic Solo Champions League Season 11 Round 5 scenario of Expert Nebula with Master Of Time and Ship Command along with the Guerrila Tactics GMW campaign side scheme. I misplayed Toe To Toe in my first attempts so I figured I had to replay my games. Even decided to rework the deck a bit and completely took out Toe To Toe in this version to make sure I didn't mess up this time.

I spent the 3 units available for the GMW market cards on Calculate the Odds and Contingency Plan.

Managed to go 1-2 again.

Game 1 - Win in Round 3. Still a lot of threat out, but no minions.

Game 2- Loss in Round 2 to damage. Shadows hit in Round 1 and brought out Ultron and drones. Despite that, I was in decent position since I flipped to Intangible after my round 2 and had Nebula in Stage 3 already. Nebula got in 3 attacks though during that Round 2 villain phase and even though I had Hulk as a blocker for 1, I couldn't stop all the damage she put out when she hit a 3 boost card on the first attack to steal the Power Stone back and also had the technique out that did the extra damage.

Game 3 - Loss in Round 2 to threat. I had stablized pretty well and took a crazy chance to flip to alter ego after my 2nd round because I already had 6 damage on Vision and no blockers. Nebula had 15 health left, but I had reduced threat so even so it was still going to be on the first main scheme at the start of Round 2. Her regular activation flipped to the Stage 2 scheme as I expected. The first encounter card was Time-Displaced Soldier which added 1 to the main scheme and surged into Power Siphon so I exhausted the Milano. Her second encounter card was Ruthless and she hit a 3 boost icon card to threat out. I don't think I could have won on my next round anyway.