Buffsilver The Destroyer of Worlds

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

TriHero · 1

Look at the cards in this. You know what this is.

On a more serious note, this deck focuses on pushing Quicksilvers stats as far as possible to deal as much damage or remove as much threat as humanely possible on the turns where he's not building himself up.

R+D Facility, Morale Boost, and Symbiote Suite are there to buff up his stats. Getting R+D Facility and Symbiote Suite should be prioritized to buff up his combos.

Go All Out is the star of this deck. Once you have Symbiote Suit, Quicksilver's unique buffs, and a Morale Boost or two out, this card can easily hit for 11+ damage out of a single shot. Black Panther will allow you to grab this card and use it in more opportune situations. All of the buffs in this deck also allow Quicksilver's Always Be Running and Maximum Velocity combos to hit even harder than normal.

Avengers Mansion, Maria Hill, Kaluu, and White Tiger are there to help you mill through Quicksilver's deck so that you can get this deck's engine up and running faster. Plus, the allies help with board management in the early game.

This deck has a lot of expensive cards in it, so cards like Clarity of Purpose and Quincarrier are there to help you pay for it. It's worth noting that these cards were chosen so that you can more easily generate wild resources at will. This will help you meet both the energy requirement of Go All Out and the Focus requirement of R&D Facility.

It may not be perfect, but I really enjoy this deck. I hope you do too.