Rocket - Your Only A Genius On Earth Pal

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

TheBlackDog · 13

Rocket thwarts…then thwarts…then thwarts This deck is designed primarily to thwart for the team. In the early game the Justice events will keep you going. Ignore the urge to play your guns in lieu of CITT, Heroic Intuition, and your boots. That gives you a 4 THW and the ability to ready. Then you will be able to thwart, play I Got a Plan, thwart again - then ready with CITT and thwart for a total of 14.

  • Justice served can have you ready again possibly up to 19 threat removed

  • Allies tend to be low cost and chump block to help Rocket’s low health

-Stealth Strike makes up for no having your kit on the table to take out the odd minion or two.

In a team game Ingenuity can be swapped out with a Helicarrier.