Nova - Time to go Super

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

rayvern · 39

Goal of this deck is to get the most out of No Quarter, Into the Fray, and Plan of Attack by over-subscribing to Aggression events. Follow Through and Honed Technique significantly increase the excess damage, so bolster heals/thwart/card draw when any excess damage is dealt (with wilds always going into Mental to trigger Honed).

This allows Nova to literally go Super-Nova whenever a minion is on the field.

It is a very minion focused deck however (particularly good at clearing the meatier Minions).

Melee is taken in preference to Dive Bomb as it allows a more surgical approach.

(I have a Nebula build in progress that is similar to this one - as that enables all that lovely excess damage to roll straight into the Villain...when she has the right techniques out at least :) ).