Captain Marvel - High Energy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Captain Marvel - Electric Aggression 0 0 0 1.0


This deck got started when I was looking at the Wasp ally and wanted to find a way to get her into play with full HP more easily. I realized the the best fit for that would be Captain Marvel and ended up expanding that idea into this deck.

With just over half the deck having energy resources. Thor, Valkyrie, Wasp, Photonic Blast, and Energy Channel can all be fueled by them.

This deck leans heavily into battling minions and will be less effective against villains who do not use at least a moderate amount of minions.

There are two Dive Bombs in the deck, as well as Captain Marvel's other cards that benefit from Aerial (Captain Marvel's Helmet and Crisis Interdiction). I encourage you to get Cosmic Flight out early and keep it out to benefit from these cards.

PASSED: Ultron (Standard - True Solo)