Doctor Strange Protection

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Doctor Strange: Seccados / Protection / MC08 0 0 0 1.0
Doctor Strange: Seccados / Protection / MC08 0 0 0 2.0

askreen · 1

Trying out Dr. Strange protection. This deck has no issues with any of the current villains on expert mode. Ultron is probably the weak point so far because of many small minions.


  • Since Dr. Strange has a lot of ways to stun, apply toughness, and mitigate attacks (spells and Iron Fist), defensive protection cards tend to be low value in solo mode. However, the protection cards here are low cost, so they can be occasionally useful when you find yourself unprotected.
  • Not many ways to remove threat other than Black Widow, standard actions, and a few spells.
  • Not great at removing minions (especially Ultron's droids). Because of Dr. Strange's low attack, this build relies on allies and spells to remove minions. I added Nova as a way of dealing 2 damage when minions attack. Otherwise, you will find yourself killing a 2 health minion with a 5 damage spell.
  • Takes 4-5 rounds to get built up. If Cloak and Mystical Studies are buried, the game can be difficult.


  • Aggressively mulligan if you don't get Cloak, Mystical Studies, or other key upgrades in the opening hand.
  • Get allies out as soon as you can. If you can use the Seven Rings spell to put tough cards on two allies and Dr. Strange, that can REALLY swing a game.
  • My favorite opening invocation is, of course, Winds of Watoomb. If I don't see Winds of Watoomb, I usually use the Natural Talent action on my first turn (unless there is a strong use for the top invocation spell).