Black Widow Double Agent for Shield

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Fromundaman · 112

This deck's goal is to control threat and villain turn from hero or AE while building towards a Dum Dum Dugan late game carry. It feels strong at all stages of the game.

Important cards/combos:

-Government Liason: This card is crucial. Mulligan for this, and play at least 2 in the first deck pass if you can. This allows you to play all of your most important cards for cheap while also giving 2 more SHIELD cards to exhaust for Homeland Intervention.

-Agent 13: Another very important card. She works well with Field Agents to stay on the board forever, and refreshing any SHIELD support allows you to use helicarrier on your own turn then refresh it for someone else at the table, or use it again yourself. Also allows you to refresh what you exhausted with Dum Dum Dugan, Homeland Intervention or Global Logistics. She basically just let's you get more use out of your cards.

-Chance Encounter: Useful for finding Agent 13 or Nick Fury, which both allow you to buff your economy.

-Interrogation room: This card isn't great, but this deck has enough damage that you'll kill minions and get some use out of it. Honestly it probably won't hurt to remove it, but it's a nice boost that rewards your minion control.

-Safe House: This card becomes better in this deck by being a SHIELD card. Now it has use in hero form by being exhaustable by any of the cards that gets buffed for doing that.

-Espionage: I just like this card. More card draw makes the surge keyword not a straight negative. This becomes better when you have grappling hook and can cancel the surged card if it's a treachery.

-Power in All of Us: Many of the SHIELD cards are basic and expensive, so this card just makes sense. It allows you to pay for early Government Liasons, and late game helps you pay for higher cost allies even if you exhausted the Liasons for buffing effects.

-Nick Fury: Nick is often a great value, but when you can use government Liasons and Helicarrier to play him for free, he becomes incredible. A very good economy card.

-Sky Destroyer: You're playing a lot of SHIELD cards. Here's some damage for each one to hopefully deal with minions without using your hero and ally activations.

-Field Agent: There's 2 reasons for this card. This is a great card to exhaust for the SHIELD exhaust buffs on Dugan, Global Logistics and Homeland Intervention. On top of that, it allows Agent 13 and Dum Dum Dugan to avoid consequential damage, maximizing their impact.

-Dum Dum Dugan: This is a card you play when you're set up. This is the game ender. Once your whole board is set up, he'll be swinging for 6 with no consequential damage. On multi-player he won't hard carry, but it's still very impactful.

-Quinncarrier: You might wonder why this is in the list when I don't have it in the deck. Well, it's not a bad addition to the deck; I just don't include it so that someone else on the table can have it, and this deck does have a lot of resources. Still, there are definitely times where 1 more resource would make a difference. It's not a bad idea if you want it.

-Other Preparations and BW cards: They're pretty good and used exactly how you'd expect. They don't really make this deck work per se, but just help mitigate everything coming out on villain turns which is good. Usually not priorities but I try to have a few out whenever possible.

And that's the deck. Only tested in a few scenarios so far, but it feels very strong and I'll test it in the solo SM campaign soon. Hope you enjoy it!