Swatting at Spiders

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Maarkean · 20

This is a very old school and standard defender deck. Its primary focus is on building up a suite of upgrades to keep the hero safe. Spider-Man works especially well for these kind of decks because he has built in strong defense and a card draw when he does. This lets him start strong and get better. The bulk of his Protection kit adds in benefits when he defends, primarily retaliatory damage but also some threat removal with Hard to Ignore. Dealing five damage back at your attack as a regular occurrence is not an unreasonable event.

The biggest downside to this build is it can get as little boring. Once you get the deck built up, on his turn, you won't have a lot to do. You might ready, thanks to several ways to ready yourself after defending or not need to actually exhaust to mitigate damage, so there's always straight attacking. But your only event that's useful to play is Swinging Web Kick.