Spy Games (Infinite Loop + 30 Damage)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

JRise33 · 6527

Welcome to Spy Games where two spies deal out MAJOR damage through Combos.

It's built with the intention of having 4 prep cards out at all time so you can keep replaying Winter Soldier over and over again in an almost infinite loop.

Here's an example turn when you're all setup with 3 Command Teams, have Mighty Avengers (+1 damage) out and play Winter Soldier and a Lead From the Front (+1 damage) your hand:

  • Black Widow Attacks for 3.
  • Hawkeye Attacks for 3.
  • Winter Solider Attacks for 4.
  • Command Team Ready Winter Soldier.
  • Winter Soldier Attacks for 4.
  • Command Team Ready Winter Soldier.
  • Winter Soldier Attacks for 4.
  • Command Team Ready Winter Soldier.
  • Winter Soldier Attacks for 4 (defeated).
  • Rapid Response Triggers (Prep card).
  • Black Widow ability 1 damage.
  • Black Widow ready's with Synth Suit
  • Black Widow Attacks for 3.
  • Winter Soldier Attacks for 4.

Total damage 30.

Plus you'll likely have a regroup on the table, play another rapid response before your turn ends or draw into a make the call...

That way you can defend with Winter Soldier, take no damage and repeat the process again by playing him for free..

I've played several games on expert mode and it's crazy how easy it is to get setup with a deck like this:

  • Use Covert Ops to manage threat and stay in Alter-Ego when possible.
  • Get Safe House out early to increase card draw.
  • Between Hawkeye and Black Widow prep cards you should be able to manage the pace of the game + minions by flipping into Hero Form while still building a Prep card base.
  • Don't be afraid to use Winter Soldier as a resource early. Can always draw into Make the Call to bring him back into play later for free.

This deck is massively fun to play so I hope you enjoy it!


Mar 22, 2022 Mgb1214 · 35

This looks like another good one.

One concern though: I’m not sure Make the Call works with Bucky’s discount, since you have to pay the ‘printed’ cost of the ally from the discard. Not positive though.

Mar 23, 2022 GeekDad · 2

I think MGB is right. Winter Soldier reduces the cost to play him, while Make the Call puts a card into play. But even without that, it seems like a satisfying setup!

Mar 23, 2022 JRise33 · 6527

@Mgb1214``@GeekDad yup it was a mistake in how i've been playing Make The Call (MTC) that the reddit community cleared up. Apparently you can't use Helicarrier to pay for MTC cards either which was also news to me. A few folks suggested swapping out the MTCs for Black Panther and/or Captain Marvel - but I'm also going to explore adding some cards that might help with healing allies to keep them available. Hope you both enjoy and give it a try! There is a VERY powerful deck in there I promise.