Black Panther

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Onions · 80

I usually don't play a lot of solo, but I tried this deck a few months ago and have loved it ever since. The point of the deck is to let Black Panther sit in Wakanda (alter-ego) on his throne for most of the game and let his subjects deal with the villain while he prepares his suit.

Black Panther is very happy to stay in alter-ego all game because of The Golden City. This, along with Vibranium and a 6-hand size, allows T'Challa to play several expensive cards per turn that can handle threat, like Beat Cop and Spider-Man. A few allies are particularly helpful against scheming minions. Quake can kill low scheme minions over time, and Eros can confuse higher scheme minions while 2 attack allies and Followed finish them off. It is quite easy to keep threat low constantly while killing minions and doing little bits of damage to the villain. Once you have Avenger's Mansion, Helicarrier, The Golden City, Energy daggers, and Panther Claws in play, you can flip to hero mode and kill the villain in two turns. Use your Beat Cops to kill any guard minions.

Against scenarios that start with side schemes and/or minions (expert Klaw in particular), you probably want to go to hero mode for the first turn to deal with things before going back to Wakanda. After that, Beat Cop and allies will do all of the necessary thwarting while you play your upgrades. Before you flip to hero mode with all of your upgrades at the end of the game, try to play Ancestral Knowledge to put back Nick Fury, a Wakanda Forever, and something else that does damage.

If you have the Vision pack, Meditation should almost certainly go in this deck. Cards it could replace are Power of Justice, Followed, or whatever ally you find yourself playing the least.