Ultimate Avengers Assemble

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Ultimate Avengers Assemble 0 0 0 1.0

Deadwolf · 261

Captain Marvel has always been a great platform for Avenger's Assemble every since it released. However, with recent releases, it has finally achieved the zenith of power and consistency. I have been playing versions of this deck since RoRS, and as new cards come in and with many tweaks along the way, this is what I arrived at.


The goal of this deck is to build your board of allies and supports as quickly as possible and launch devastating Avengers Assembles as quickly and as often as possible. Card Draw from Carol, Alpha Flight Station and Strength in Numbers combined with powerful resource cards Energy Absorption and Band Together allow you to build your board very quickly. Often, I will stay in AE on first turn and continuously flip from there. Launching a 5 ally AA on turn 4 is not uncommon. And once you have launched an AA, you will be able to rebuild quickly and launch another in a turn or 2 and repeat until the villain is defeated. Because allies are not used for defense - defense is gained from AE and taking hits to face, then making use of her hero ability and her 4 recover to stay healthy (allies can easily take care of threat and damage).


The deck runs 11 total allies for consistency. There is no AA without allies so you want to maximize the number of allies you have on the board at all times, so having 11 makes it so you almost always have an ally or 2 to play. Most of the allies in the deck were chosen due to being cheap and efficient; Quantity is most important but since this is Leadership, you get quality at the same time. However, there are a few with specific roles:

Black Panther – He allows you to fetch Avengers Assemble (or SiN) and having it available to use on demand, removing the randomness of hoping to draw it on the turn you need it.

Goliath & Power Man – These are your heavy hitters and do a tonne of damage by attacking twice on AA turns.


Strength in Numbers: This powerful event is key on build up turns, allowing to to draw into resources and more allies and supports. It can even be comboed with Avengers Assemble.

Avengers Assemble: This card allows for devastating board control and enables turns of almost unrivaled bursts of damage and thwart. There are 2 ways to play it; You can play SiN first, then AA, or double tap your allies by activating them normally then ready them and do again. Or you can do a combo of the 2 and use SiN on some and double tap others. It all depends on the board state, and the health of your allies.


All 4 supports in the deck are important keys to the combo. Tower and Triskelion increase you ally limit, Mighty Avengers gives tremendous value by giving +1/+1 to all allies, and the extra hp from Team training is key to maximizing AA. I run 2 Team Training because it opens up options with AA and I find it to be the most important so I run 2 for consistency, but the 2nd one is optional.

Signature cards:

Energy Absorption and Alpha Flight Station (along with CM’s abilities) are the reasons she is the best user of the deck. Energy Absorption giving “burst” resource gen that requires no set up is key. Photonic Blast can be used later in the game, once you are into your 2nd deck pass, but is generally lower in priority. Similarly, Energy Channel can be useful if you have too many resources but is also a lower priority. All of her other events and upgrades are generally just used as resources or feeding her hero ability.


At the start, the first priority is allies followed by supports. You need allies on the board to power strength in numbers and Band Together so these are first priority, which specific ally you get doesn’t really matter, play the first ones you get. The 2nd priority is your supports as each one is a key part of your strategy.


Blade – He is a cheap Avenger that is easy to play and you don’t have to worry about HP but I found that the resource required to activate him is troublesome.

Endurance/Crew Quarters – Solid options to increase hp, but space is an issue and I generally found I was able to recover easily enough and rely on allies for board control.

Honorary Avenger – Playing this on CM would allow your allies to get Mighty Avenger bonus while you are in AE. But I personally didn’t find myself activating allies in AE often enough to worry about it.

Command Team – This card would allow you get get more damage out of Power Man/Goliath on AA turns, but I generally just think this is a win more card.

Mass Attack - I prefer Avengers Assemble over Mass Attack due to being more flexible and combos with SiN. But you could run both and if you played both on the same turn, it would be like double tapping but you will likely still have a board after. But it would require the right resources in hand and I think it is a bit of a win more card also.


Feb 23, 2022 Schmendrix · 5438

Great deck and write up!

Feb 23, 2022 Charles · 566

I’ve done quite the same last year, but i tried to keep my allies on board with United We Stand.

And just 1 Avengers Assemble for late game, but Earth Mightiest Heroes for allies like Hawkeye

Anyway, what a powerful kind of deck with Cap Marvel ! Love it !!


Feb 23, 2022 Charles · 566

Don’t Forget « Honorary Avengers » if you want to trigger « Mighty Avengers » in alter ego !

Feb 23, 2022 Deadwolf · 261

@Charles I included HA in the options section. I'm not the fence on including it, but it only usually only happens once or twice in a game that I activate an ally in AE. Most of them are better off waiting for an AA turn to activate anyway.

Feb 23, 2022 SoloPlaythroughTrav · 7

Thanks for sharing this deck! I also recommend adding the upgrade "Enhanced Reflexes" which generates some extra energy resources for her cards.

Feb 23, 2022 Deadwolf · 261

@Grensno This deck really isn't about CM and her cards - her cards are resources 90% of the time. Crisis Interdiction and Cosmic Flight are enough to power her ability.

And Energy Channel is a tertiary concern at best - resources will be more efficiently spent elsewhere.

Feb 24, 2022 journeyman2 · 23977

I’m surprised at no Quincarrier for the free energy every turn. But yeah, leadership captain marvel is very strong! My version only plays one avengers assemble since black Panther can pull it, uses vision as a thwart dump, and did use command team for awhile since it gets so much value with mighty avengers and with so many allies you can afford to burn them because there’s always another to play. It also readies someone after SiN when you’re still getting built and want the draw but also need the ally to help clear the board. You can also SiN, ready, and SiN again if you drew into another copy. But cutting to 40 cards was hard!!

Feb 24, 2022 Deadwolf · 261

@journeyman2 The idea is to keep the deck as fast as possible, so I avoided all upgrades/supports except those absolutely necessary - that way you can focus on playing what is really important to your game plan - allies and AA and finish the game as fast as possible. Its not a rush deck, but a tempo deck.

As for Quincarrier specifically, the deck already has a tonne of resource generation and since the signature cards that require energy are of lower priority, the lack of consistent energy isn't an issue (and cosmic flight and crisis interdiction are often enough).

Black Panther is a relatively recent addition and I admittedly haven't tested going to less than 3 AAs since his inclusion. 2 might work. Definitely would never go to 1 because a big theme of the deck is consistency.

Feb 24, 2022 KennedyHawk · 17973

This is a fun deck. I find Band Together has an escape with Alpha Flight Station for some really poor starts but with so many allies that's unlikely to happen :) I agree with @DeadwolfI don't think you need Quincarrier - Carol gains an advantage from energy no doubt but she doesn't need to flood her deck with it.

Feb 25, 2022 rstorcdk · 4965

Was kinda waiting for a deck like this when I saw Mighty Avengers being released ;) I think you nailed it