Promoted to Major America

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Redjoker26 · 13

You will be slowly getting out allies and upgrades for them, while also pumping out supports to ensure survivability and increase damage/ thwarting. I am still fiddling with the deck but so far, I thoroughly enjoy it!

Ronin is an absolute stud. When you have Inspired played on him and Mighty Avengers, he does a total of 5 attack/ 4 thwart. I've had Ronin, Iron Man, and Black Knight out, and they were easily doing 13 damage a turn with upgrades on them.

Strength in Numbers gives you card rotation. When allies are on last health, do not use them, instead wait for strength in numbers to get a card draw, then use them for whatever. I've had the opportunity of drawing four cards in one turn because of that.

First aid keeps your troops alive. Shield Block can make your survivability higher. Team Building Exercise makes it even cheaper to pay for allies. The only downside to this deck is agent 13, as she doesn't have the avengers tag, thus disturbing the flow given from Mighty Avengers. I usually only play her early game.

His allies are expensive early game, but once you get some set up going wit Super Soldier Serum and Team Building Exercise, everything becomes very smooth and easy.

Let me know what you think!